- Titel[Investment of IMF Assets]
- Signatur4366
- Datum1955-1956
- Verzeichnungsstufefile
- Schlagwort
- Personenschlagwort
- Form und InhaltFile contains memos, notes, and U.S. Government bond published trading price sheet. File also contains correspondence including draft outgoing letters, lists of agenda items for Board meetings, copies of correspondence and draft correspondence for circulation to members of the Executive Board, draft Board Minutes, Board Docs on investment of IMF assets: EBD/56/4, EBAP/56/6, EBD/56/4 Sppl 3 Corr 1, EBD/56/4 Sppl 3, EBD/56/4 Sppl 2, EBD/56/4 Sppl 1, EBD/55/165, SM/55/25 Suppl 2, SM/55/30.