Название THAILAND - 1985 ARTICLE IV CONSULTATION, STAND-BY ARRANGEMENT, AND PURCHASE TRANSACTION - COMPENSATORY FINANCING FACILITY Ссылка 333698 Board DOC ID EBM/85/96-1 - Final Дата June 14 1985 Уровень описания item Материал Electronic Records Language English Тема Article IV consultations, Thailand, Summings up, Decisions pursuant to Article XIV, Stand-by arrangement requests, Purchases under compensatory financing of export fluctuations, Demand management, Current account deficits, External debt, Debt service ratios, Savings, Basket of currency peg, Devaluation, Thai baht, Flexible exchange rate policy, Fund-supported adjustment programs, Budget deficits, Government expenditures, Tax reforms, Public enterprises, Oil product prices, Credit restraint, Reserves, Revenue measures, Monetary restraint, World Bank, Credit expansion, Export competitiveness, Credit ceilings, Interest rates, Export promotion, Economic growth, Waivers under Article V Section 3(b)(iii), Stand-by arrangement requests, Thailand, Purchases under compensatory financing of export fluctuations, Fund approval, Executive Board Document (Country), Executive Board Minutes (EBM) External document